Friday, June 5, 2015

What I Eat in a Day!

To start my day yesterday, I had some coffee with coconut milk and a piece of toast with P2B!  I LOVE P2B - it tastes just like peanut butter but a fraction of the calories :)
I have about an hour commute to work each day, so I needed a little something for the drive to get me going!
When I got to work, I had 2 hard boiled eggs (scooped out about half of the yolk) and a half cup of blueberries!
Late in the morning, I needed a little snack.  I had some some baby bell peppers and a babybel light cheese.  These peppers look huge because they take up the entire plate, but this was a small salad plate :)

 For lunch, I had about 12 wheat thins (the tomato basil kind, OMG so good) plus a salad with shrimp and salsa.
 Around 3pm, I started to get hungry again, so I had a nectarine and a low fat Greek yogurt.  This was a great combo and definitely held me over until dinner.
Nils went fishing after work, so I was on my own for dinner!  I decided to make a little pizza.  This is a flatout sandwich wrap, which I toasted in the oven for about 5 minutes until it started to brown a bit.  Then I added a few teaspoons of tomato sauce, a sprinkle Diaya cheese, and some grilled mushrooms.  This is perfect for a pizza fix, but under 200 calories!
Oh - and I also had a glass of rose, because ya know, I'm fancy like that ;)

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