Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Sick Essentials

Guys! Sorry I've been MIA - however I was plaged with the horrible strep throat! Ugh!
I've been taking my antibiotics regliously, so I am FINALLY on the mend!
Being sick is the absolute worst thing ever.  Like, ever ever.
SO here a few treats I've been using to help me feel better.
OK, this goes without saying, but an IPad with Netflix is an absolute MUST.  It's perfect because you can binge watch you favorite shows (hello Gilmore Girls for the 46872 time) and take it where ever you go.  So, need some cough drops, a tissue, etc?  No need to press pause.  It's kind of redic, but, you're sick! So whatever makes you feel better.
Next is something delcious and easy to eat.  My go to for sure is peanut butter toast.  It's light, easy to make, and tastes sooo good.  Especially with some cinnamon sprinkled on top - yum! 
Next are these Strawberry Halls. These things have been SUCH a life saver this week!  They actually taste sooo good and they truly do wonders for a sore throat! I'm legit obsessed.
And last but not least goes without saying - is water and sleep.  Seriously I've been drinking like 2 gallons of water a day (or at least as much as I can get down) and sleeping 14 hours a night.  No joke, last night I went to sleep at 7pm.  It was broad day light, and the birds were cherping.  But whatever yo - I need my beauty sleep! And it def paid off because this AM I woke up feeling a million times better.

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