Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Day I Became a Fisher(wo)man

I had a few days off from work this week!  Nils is into fishing and he took me with him one day.
Like, real fishing.  Out on the seven seas.  He got me a license and everything.  I'm so legit.
The last time I went fishing I had a Little Mermaid themed pole.  Nils got me an official fishing pole and everything, so this was a whole new experience for me (side note: I asked for a Frozen themed pole this time, but he opted for a real instead...bummer).
It was SUCH a pretty day!
 I mean seriously, does it get better than that?!
I literally had no idea what I was doing, but LUCKILY I had a good teacher.
 Not gonna lie, I was a little rusty at first.  BUT I totally got the hang of it eventually!  And it actually was so fun.  Even though I didn't catch any fish, I loved it!  It was soooo much fun to be outside, with music and a few drinks (an unbeatable combo, am I right?)
Eventually my wrist started to hurt, so I def need more practice.  I decided to call it quits and just enjoy the scenery (aka cocktails).

Nils on the other hand was totally focused!

And it paid off because....he caught one!

He said it was small, but idk looks pretty big to me! I can't wait to go again because I am determined to catch one!

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