Monday, July 27, 2015

Surviving Camping! Canoeing 34 Miles in the Rain

This weekend I did a very long trek in Maine.  It was super fun, however super challenging! We did 34 miles of canoeing in a weekend, plus it legit rained every single day.  BUT I survived! The scenery was sooo beautiful AND I saw a true wild moose and a waterfall :) So it was def worth it.
This is the trip we did and where we camped out:
This was DEF the most rugged camping trip I have ever been on.  I've been camping a million times, but I always have had a little shower/bathroom facility near by.  This was completely off the grid, no showers, bathrooms, electricity, etc.  And I am DEF no expert! But here's my take on how to make the trip a good one.
I realized it super important to pack smart! Obviously everyone knows about the basics like a lighter, cooking stuff, a good tent and a good sleeping bag (especially if it rains). 
It's SO IMPORTANT to be prepared for ALL weather! Even if the forecast SAYS 80s and sunny, be prepared for a downpour.  Often times in the summer, there can be a quick passing thunderstorm.  Those 15 minutes of rain can completely soak your stuff, making the rest if your trip kinda miz! So in addition to a good tent, you def need to have weather ready clothes.  DEF no jeans or cotton sweatshirts, because they take forever to dry.  Light/quick drying material are a total must (all the sportswear stuff I brought was good, like spandex leggings, gym shirts etc).  And don't forget your rain coat!
Also good shoes are a must! Flip flops and traditional sneakers might not cut it.  You def need quick drying shoes, and something that can keep your feet protected from tree roots, twigs, bugs etc.
Also easy but filling snacks are a must!  If you don't have a constant source of ice, etc. then you need stuff that doesn't really need to be too cold.  We brought:  trail mix, hummus, pita, crackers, peanut butter, cheese, canned soup, apples, baby carrots, bananas, instant oatmeal & I don't eat meat but also pepperoni & beef jerky. 
Lastly this is super random BUT a little headlamp is so handy! I know it looks so funny, but Nils got me one for Christmas and I sorta love it.  It's awesome being able to be hands free to do whatever you need to (ex: setting up a tent in the dark, collecting firewood, etc).
AND the most important thing is obviously to have fun and be open minded :) You can't control mother nature or the elements, so just try and roll with whatever comes your way!


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