Monday, July 13, 2015

Magic Mike & Friends

Last week at work was a stressful one. 
SO what better way to unwind on a Friday than to watch Magic Mike and his friends dance around in their undies?  Am I right?
This movie def had less action than the first one and clearly isn't going to win any awards.
 And yes it was totally cheesy, but it was fun and if nothing else a good excuse for a night out with some of your besties :)
Saturday I went to my favorite restaurant in our area with this stud.
We got this lobster flatbread and OMG it was soooo gooood.  Like one of the best things I have ever eaten.  I think it had: lobster, corn, goat cheese, mozzarella and green onion.  I need to find a recipe and recreate it!!!
And back to Monday :(
HERES to a good week!! 

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