Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My To-Go Makeup Survival Kit

SO when I went camping this past weekend I just grabbed my "Makeup Survival Kit" from my purse.  This is a tiny little makeup bag I keep in my purse at all times, JUST in case!
The contents include:
A mini mascara and eyeliner.  I feel like if I were stranded on a dessert island (or the woods for that matter) I DEF need mascara! So I am ALWAYS sure to have some with me at all times.  These are some mini Smashbox ones I got in a sample kit of sorts.
Next is some concealer/yellow powder.  I usually have OK skin, but my under eyes can def get dark (you feel me on that one ladies?) so I always carry some brightening product with me.  I currently have a Maybelline Instant Age rewind and YBF yellow powder. 
I also have a few cheap mini brushes I got at the checkout of Forever 21 or something.  Anything will do, so long as it's small.
And lastly I have my Too Faced Glamour To Go.  I'm not sure if these still make these, but these little all in one sets are awesome.
This one is really small (about the size of a credit card) and has 2 different slide out compartments, one for eyeshadow and one for blush, lipgloss and bronzer.  It's so tiny and literally all you need for either a touch up or a full face.  I love it! You can probably still find this exact one on Amazon.  BUT I also have the Tarte Rainforest After Dark which is pretty similar and also awesome.  The Naked on the Run would be a good one too!
(I also have a mini toothbrush and toothpaste in this bag at all times, which are not shown here)
AND while I def did not go all out glam over the weekend, I had just enough so I didn't look like a total zombie. :)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Surviving Camping! Canoeing 34 Miles in the Rain

This weekend I did a very long trek in Maine.  It was super fun, however super challenging! We did 34 miles of canoeing in a weekend, plus it legit rained every single day.  BUT I survived! The scenery was sooo beautiful AND I saw a true wild moose and a waterfall :) So it was def worth it.
This is the trip we did and where we camped out:
This was DEF the most rugged camping trip I have ever been on.  I've been camping a million times, but I always have had a little shower/bathroom facility near by.  This was completely off the grid, no showers, bathrooms, electricity, etc.  And I am DEF no expert! But here's my take on how to make the trip a good one.
I realized it super important to pack smart! Obviously everyone knows about the basics like a lighter, cooking stuff, a good tent and a good sleeping bag (especially if it rains). 
It's SO IMPORTANT to be prepared for ALL weather! Even if the forecast SAYS 80s and sunny, be prepared for a downpour.  Often times in the summer, there can be a quick passing thunderstorm.  Those 15 minutes of rain can completely soak your stuff, making the rest if your trip kinda miz! So in addition to a good tent, you def need to have weather ready clothes.  DEF no jeans or cotton sweatshirts, because they take forever to dry.  Light/quick drying material are a total must (all the sportswear stuff I brought was good, like spandex leggings, gym shirts etc).  And don't forget your rain coat!
Also good shoes are a must! Flip flops and traditional sneakers might not cut it.  You def need quick drying shoes, and something that can keep your feet protected from tree roots, twigs, bugs etc.
Also easy but filling snacks are a must!  If you don't have a constant source of ice, etc. then you need stuff that doesn't really need to be too cold.  We brought:  trail mix, hummus, pita, crackers, peanut butter, cheese, canned soup, apples, baby carrots, bananas, instant oatmeal & I don't eat meat but also pepperoni & beef jerky. 
Lastly this is super random BUT a little headlamp is so handy! I know it looks so funny, but Nils got me one for Christmas and I sorta love it.  It's awesome being able to be hands free to do whatever you need to (ex: setting up a tent in the dark, collecting firewood, etc).
AND the most important thing is obviously to have fun and be open minded :) You can't control mother nature or the elements, so just try and roll with whatever comes your way!


Thursday, July 23, 2015


SO I know I am a broken record, but I literally can't stop using this product!  It's SOO easy to use, crazy thin, jet black and does a winged liner to perfection.  I have to force myself to use something different in my collection, and seriously nothing else compares (although the Jordana Fabuliner from Walgreens is awesome, the point is thicker so it's just different).  IF you love black liquid liner as much as I do, you have to try this!
ALSO lately I have been loving my leopard flats.  I got mine at Target for like 15 bucks.  I don't know why I never realized it before, but leopard is kind of a neutral! You can almost wear these with anything and it looks cute (plus adds a little spice...roar).
LASTLY this has to be my most obsessed item this week.  It IS Paper Towns on audible (they also have this for free on YouTube, but I'm not sure if that's entirely legal so I'm not "recommending" it, but ya know...wink wink?).  ANYWHO I am approx 5 hours in and I can't get enough. WHERE is Margo Roth Spiegelman?! WILL Quentin ever find her??!?! I just can't. 
(Side note: I listen to audiobooks ALL the time during my commute.  It actually makes the drive fun.  Like I actually don't mind traffic as much, because at least I get to listen to my book? Try it!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Glowing GREEN Juice!

This morning I decided to start my day with a GREEN juice!  Yes it looks totally weird, but I promise it's not! 
My juice contained:
1 bunch kale
1 green apple
1/2 lemon (including peel)
1 cucumber
Whenever I make juices, I try to incorporate "juicy" stuff so it goes through the juicer easier.  The kale is sort of dry, so doing a cucumber right after the kale seems to make the juicing process easier!
I LOVED starting my day with this juice! It's super healthy and def gave me a BOOST.  It honestly sorta just tastes like lemons.  Even Nils liked it! (Unless he was just humoring me...ha).

Monday, July 20, 2015

Beach and Champs

Saturday was a tad on the overcast side, however a wise woman once said that champs is important at all times - so I decided to take her advice ;)
A little mimosa action on the beach is possibly the best start to any Saturday.
ESPECIALLY when you're with this babe!
We did all the fun stuff we could find! 
We found this guy who played fun covers of classic rock songs (and he even did a little serenade to Laura - oo la laaa)
And we may or may not have partook in a little gambling...
The day ended with this amazingggggg lobster roll (I mean, look at that thing)!
Sunday I went to my friends housewarming party, where the beach and champs theme just continued...
...and I definitely wasn't complaining about it ;)
I LOVE spending time with my besties so clearly this was one of the best weekends I could ask for.
Hope yours was filled with lots of fun (and obviously lots of champs).

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fun new stuff! All Cosmetics Wholesale

A few weeks ago I found some aweome deals on All Cosmetics Wholesale!  Now I have heard some mixed reviews about this site.  I do think everything is legit, but you just have to be careful.  I feel like it's basically a TJMaxx for makeup.  It's good brands at a big discount, and usually for a reason.  The reason could be discontinued colors, weird forumlas, etc.  And its also hit or miss.  The inventory is contantly changing, so you need to check in often.  AND if you see something you like, you need to grab it because it could be gone tomorrow.
BUT with a tiny bit of homework, you can find SOME AMAZING DEALS!!!!
I've ordered stuff from this website a bunch of times now, and I've found some of the best stuff! 

This Lorac powder is something I've seen (and bought) off Hautelook before, its one of my faves.
This Becca tinted moisturizer is pretty good...HOWEVER I noticed the SPF expires in August.  So I'll have to use it this summer, and I'll prob give the extra to my cousin (I got 2 in a BOGO deal they were having).
The Urban Decay eyeliner is perfection.  It's a dark brown, I WISH I GOT MORE COLORS!  I was scared it was dried out or something, but it's totally not! It's creamy and amazing.
I snagged some eyelash blue because...I could always use some more of that in my life?
AND lastly I grabbed 2 of these "Ready to Wear" brand palettes because they were on clearance.  I have never heard of these before, but they looked pretty so I decided to give it a shot.  And! They are so good! Creamy and pigmented.  I love the pinky eyeshadow color, I've been using it all week.  I also love those 2 eyebrow colors and brown eyeliner gel (seriously lasts all day).

Here I am with all this goodness on my face.  Sure nothing extraordinary, put pretty for every day and more imporantly THOSE DEALS!
If I had paid regular price, this would EASILY be around $100-150.  BUT I got everything for just $38 (including shipping).  Total win!


Monday, July 13, 2015

Magic Mike & Friends

Last week at work was a stressful one. 
SO what better way to unwind on a Friday than to watch Magic Mike and his friends dance around in their undies?  Am I right?
This movie def had less action than the first one and clearly isn't going to win any awards.
 And yes it was totally cheesy, but it was fun and if nothing else a good excuse for a night out with some of your besties :)
Saturday I went to my favorite restaurant in our area with this stud.
We got this lobster flatbread and OMG it was soooo gooood.  Like one of the best things I have ever eaten.  I think it had: lobster, corn, goat cheese, mozzarella and green onion.  I need to find a recipe and recreate it!!!
And back to Monday :(
HERES to a good week!! 

And my ebay obsession continues...

About a year ago, I became completely OBSESSED with ebay.
Clearly ebay has been around FOREVS, but when I really got into makeup, I discovered how truly AMAZING ebay can be.
I REALLY wanted another Nars Laguna, but I really didn't want to shell out 40 bucks.  I know Nars makes a travel size of the item, but I don't know of anywhere you can actually BUY it.  I think it's either discontinued in that size, or it's given as promo material - idk exactly. BUT! A light bulb went off in my head, and I decided to try my favorite website - ebay!
AND lucky me, I found this gem!  I got both the bronzer AND this lip gloss in "chihuahua" for just under $13 :) I have a zillion bronzers anyways, I just wanted this one for the option in case I wanted it, so I think the travel size is perfect for me for the moment.  And these travel size products really do last a WHILE.  Also the lip gloss is so tiny and cute, perfect for your small purse (is anyone else obsessed with miniature things?)

Everything came perfectly sealed and wrapped, so clearly never used before.  I was SO excited!!! I've said this before, but buying travel size stuff is such an awesome way to try some new goodies.  Alot of time, makeup is expensive! And I'd hate spending a ton of something I don't LOVE.  This way, you can try the product without breaking the bank :) IF there is something you've been eyeing, I'm serious check ebay! They have EVERYTHING and usually for way lower prices!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Perfect First Palette: Chocolate Bar or Naked?!?

A question I get asked all the time is, "What eyeshadow palette should I get?!"
And I think most people would agree, it usually comes down to the Too Faced Chocolate Bar and Urban Decay Naked.
So how do they compare?!
I guess I should start off by saying - these are both FAB.  Really, you can't go wrong.  BUT, they a'int cheap either.  At around $50 each, you def want to make the right choice if you're making your first big eyeshadow palette.
As you can see from the pic above, both my palettes are extremely used and abused loved. SO I think I can give you the low down.
First up is the Too Faced Chocolate Bar.  This palette has a great mix of both matte and shimmer colors.  All the colors are super easy to use and easy to blend.  There are 2 light shades which are bigger than the rest, which I LOVE.  I love to use the creamy matte color in my brow bone, and the shimmery pink color all over my lid.  And then I add extra fun colors from there.  This palette TRULY is an "all in one".  Meaning, you do not need anything else whatsoever on your eyes to create any look.  It can go from sweet and natural to total rockstar (that crazy sparkly purple shade is everythingggg).  Because it has everything you need, it's PERFECT for travel.
Next up is the Urban Decay Naked.  THIS is probably one of the most loved palettes of all time, AND with good reason.  The shadows are SOOO SPARKLY, and shimmery, and buttery and amazing.  This palette is pretty much all shimmers with 2 matte brown colors.  And ALTHOUGH it is amazing, it does not include a creamy matte color, which I really think is a must for your brow bone.  SO you may need to bring in some more natural shades from outside this palette to complete your look. 
So which one should you get?!?!
IF you are brand spanking new to makeup and have a small collection, I would recommend the Urban Decay Naked.  BECAUSE the colors are sooo smooth and easy to work with.  When I first started playing around with makeup, all I really did was throw a shimmery color on my eyelid.  I may have smoked it out a little, but overall, I didn't do too much blending right in the beginning.  This palette is perfect for that, because any of these colors will look really pretty just alone.  Plus this palette comes with a great little shader brush, which is really good for packin' on the shadow.
IF you already have a little bit of a collection already with alot of shimmery shades (say from Wet n Wild or ELF), then I would recommend Too Faced Chocolate Bar. The reason being is! This palette is equally as great, but it's a HAIR more advanced.  A total newbie may not even know what that large creamy matte shade is for.  SO you already have your shimmy fun lid shades down, and you already have a fun shimmery collection and you're looking for your FIRST fancy palette, then this one is for you.  It's the PERFECT starter palette for shading, crease colors, etc.!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

4th of July Weekend

Every year my family rents some beach cottages for a week! This past year was no different :)
Most of my cousins were there, and we had so much fun checkin out the local hot spots.

Almost everywhere we went had THIS for a view:

And although I did get a tad crispy (note below) it was totally worth it.  I DEF want to get to the beach more this summer! Life is so busy sometimes that after a long week of work I just want to veg out and do nothing.  BUT seriously, Summer is SO short!  This past week totally reminded me how important it is to get out there and enjoy as much of it as I can! 

 One of the best things I probably had was probably this DELISH Bloody Mary!

It had cucumber flavored vodka, which I know sounds weird, BUT it was sooo yummy and oddly refreshing?

Our last night there, my cousin and I saw Badfish which is like a Sublime cover band.

They were seriously so good! I loved it so much I had a fan girl moment and bought a teeshirt :) The tickets were pretty cheap ($25) AND I'm pretty sure they tour all over.  IF you're looking for something to do this summer, check them out! Def fun for something to do!

Hope you ALL had a FAB 4th of July weekend!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Beauty for Every Budget: Under Eye Concealers

OK - If you're like me, the under eye area is always a tad of a concern.  Dark circles, puffiness, wrinkles (gulp), this area has a lot going on (and ALOT we want to cover).  I've tried a ZILLION different under eye concealers as a result, and I want to help a girl out and share some of my faves.

First off is the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind (instant eye rewind?  music to my ears).  You can get this for $8.99 at any drugstore (prob for less if you check for weekly deals/coupons).  This stuff really IS like an eraser.  The felt tip is sooo incredibly easy to use and not too heavy.  You just rub it on and instant results. 
Next is the Maybelline Fit Me at just $6.99 (and again, don't forget those drugstore coupons!).  I've heard this is comparable to the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer (which I've never tried, but is on my wish list).  This is super brightening, and has really great buildable coverage.  It's great for highlighting and just brightening up your face.
The concealer with the fullest coverage has got to be the Mac Prolongwear. This one is pricier at $20, but you need THE TINIEST amount.  A pea size pump is probably too much.  And it's because this stuff is sooo opaque, legit like paint.  If you have some serious stuff to cover, this is your product.  BUT you have to remember to BE CAREFUL and not use too much, because I swear a little goes a long way.  It's also sort of sticky, so you should put a little bit of translucent powder over it.  You might not need something like this for normal days, but for those days where your undereyes are very dark, it works wonders.
Last but not least is the Urban Decay Naked Skin.  This stuff is the most expensive at $29 (ugh, whyyy), but of course, it's REALLY good.  It's sort of the best of both worlds, because it's brightening but also gives a great buildable coverage (similar to the Fit Me).
But again, you don't need to spend alot to look great!  Any of these products should DEF give you a little boost ;)

TJ Maxx Haul

Here are some cute finds I just found at my local TJ Maxx :)
I got a plain white cardigan, because my office is FREEZING (I legit use a space heater on the daily) for $14.99
Next is a grey and black silk blouse.  It kind of looks like watercolors, which I love, for $16.99
I also got a white short sleeves sweater with sparkles on the neck line, for $14.99
Next I got some rose colored skinny pants.  I'm sooo sick of wearing grey and black slacks to work every day.  These still look professional but a way more summery - I need to get more! These were $17.99.
I saw these blinged out sandals on the clearance rack for just $16! I LOVE me some sparkle, so I had to make these mine.
Lastly, I found these cute little gold flats also on the clearance rack for $29.99 (my most expensive purchase).  Same thing with the pants; I'm so tired of wearing black flats every day, so I decided to spice it up with these gold babies.