Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Weekend Delights

Kryssi stopped by for a little wine & Real Housewives of OC (loving Heather this season!!!)
I made her a little snacker and I have to l-o-l because although it was redic she admitted it was the best snack ever.  It consisted of:  chips, pickles, pepperoni and cheese.  #keepinitclassy
Saturday I met Laura and her mom in Boston! We went down to the Seaport area to get a few drinks and apps!
Loved this dining view!
And this drink ;) It was a grapefruit juice and vodka! 
 Later in the night we got free tix to an OAR concert!  I didn't really know any songs but it was still so fun and a cool vibe.
 Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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