Thursday, August 13, 2015

Veggie Bites - Green Smoothie & Orzo Salad

SO - I get asked a lot of questions about what I eat since I don't eat chickens, pigs, cows, etc.  I do eat dairy, eggs and fish, so I think the technical term might be "Pescatarian" however I do not label myself that at all...I'm just me with my own thoughts, choices, etc.! 
THEREFORE I think here and there I'll share some of the DELISH things I chow down on.
For dinner last night I had some grilled asparagus and some orzo salad!
 For the asparagus all I did was grill on medium-high heat with PAM, Sea Salt and Garlic Powder.  Doesn't get much easier that that :)
For the Orzo Salad, I just did Orzo, Cherry Tomatoes, Parsley, Red Onion, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Sea Salt and Pepper - all to taste.  I didn't follow a recipe at all, I just added a little more ingredients here and there as I went.  I used way more Balsamic than I thought I would (probably a full cup?).  Once everything was completely chilled in the fridge I added some Feta!  This made a HUGE bowl of this salad and Nils and I have been kind of just picking at it all week which has actually been really convenient if you are in a rush or don't feel like cooking.  I need to make more stuff like this!
For breakfast this AM I had a Morning Star Maple Sausage Patty (not shown, ate when I was blending!).  A few weeks ago I bad some bananas and peaches that were about to go bad.  SO instead of getting them brown completely I peeled/cut them and threw them in the freezer.  I added to my Ninja bullet this AM and added some fresh Kale and Coconut milk for a delish on the go smoothie :)

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