Friday, August 28, 2015

Summer in Saratoga!

Last week Nils and I headed to Saratoga Springs to see some horse races!  I friend of mine invited us.  I'm not super into horses or gambling, BUT I loved it! It was such a fun experience and the weather was perfect! 
Because I was going to a horse race, I just HAD to get a hat.  I got this one at Kohls on clearance (prob because summer is almost over) so that was a total win.
Each race only lasted a few minutes but they are SO EXCITING! People go wild!
 We totally feasted like kings...our first day we had crab legs, sushi...
And LOTS of champs ;)
Lots of every drink to be honest...
There was a horse named "All About Ashley" which I was so sure would win BIG, but it didn't happen (better luck next time).
Prior to each race you could go down and see the horses up close, that was probably the best part for me :)
 We drove instead of taking a flight, which meant I didn't need to pack light ;) Here's the stash I brought for just 2 days #notsorry
Can't wait to go back next year!!!

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