Friday, August 28, 2015

Chowin Down for the Week

Over the weekend I made a few little things to have on hand! I loved when I made that orzo salad a few weeks ago, because I had something already made to chow down on if I was hungry.  Here's what I made for this week!
First was a black bean salad
All I did was add 2 cans of low sodium black beans, 3 husks of corn on the cob, a sprinkle of red onion and parsley, and salt, pepper and olive oil to taste!
Next was some guac!
I did 4 avocados, juice from a lime, guac seasoning, a sprinkle of red onion and parsley, and salt, pepper to test. 
I added both together and with some tortilla chips, SO GOOD.
And last was some pasta!
All I did was take some veggie pasta and mixed it with roasted red pepper pesto and a little garlic powder.
I'm totally into doing a few make aheads; it makes the rest of the week so much easier!

Summer in Saratoga!

Last week Nils and I headed to Saratoga Springs to see some horse races!  I friend of mine invited us.  I'm not super into horses or gambling, BUT I loved it! It was such a fun experience and the weather was perfect! 
Because I was going to a horse race, I just HAD to get a hat.  I got this one at Kohls on clearance (prob because summer is almost over) so that was a total win.
Each race only lasted a few minutes but they are SO EXCITING! People go wild!
 We totally feasted like kings...our first day we had crab legs, sushi...
And LOTS of champs ;)
Lots of every drink to be honest...
There was a horse named "All About Ashley" which I was so sure would win BIG, but it didn't happen (better luck next time).
Prior to each race you could go down and see the horses up close, that was probably the best part for me :)
 We drove instead of taking a flight, which meant I didn't need to pack light ;) Here's the stash I brought for just 2 days #notsorry
Can't wait to go back next year!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Yummy Salad! (and highlight on fleek)

A few days ago at a work lunch I seriously got the best salad ever!

It was just a shrimp Caesar salad, which is something I order all the time.  SO I was sort of surprise when this baby arrived at my table!
But OMG guys.  This was SO GOOD.
It was an entire head of romaine lettuce that had be grilled.  Sounds weird but seriously so yummy.  Then there was just a drizzling of dressing, big chunks of parmesan cheese, and 4 grilled shrimp! I loved it!
And then I just needed to take a minute to call out to my Becca/Jaclyn Hill Champagne Pop.
I have been wearing this NON STOP.  It's soooo pretty! I am extremely pale and it still works.  AND I tried it on Kryssi over weekend, and she is way darker than me, and it looked amazing on her too.  It's limited edition at Sephora so grab it pronto!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Weekend Delights

Kryssi stopped by for a little wine & Real Housewives of OC (loving Heather this season!!!)
I made her a little snacker and I have to l-o-l because although it was redic she admitted it was the best snack ever.  It consisted of:  chips, pickles, pepperoni and cheese.  #keepinitclassy
Saturday I met Laura and her mom in Boston! We went down to the Seaport area to get a few drinks and apps!
Loved this dining view!
And this drink ;) It was a grapefruit juice and vodka! 
 Later in the night we got free tix to an OAR concert!  I didn't really know any songs but it was still so fun and a cool vibe.
 Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, August 14, 2015


I have become so obsessed with coconut greek yogurt!  My friend recommended it to me a while ago but I was kind of meh whatever.  But last week I felt compelled to try it and OMG its literally the best greek yogurt EVER!  I got three for the week and I honestly wish I got more.
I did a full review on this, so this is no surprise, BUT I am also SO OBSESSED with my Soleil Tan de Chanel.   It's the perfect color, easy to build, blends like a dream.  I never thought I'd really be into cream bronzers, but this is almost like a dense moose.  It's honestly just perfect.  I can't stop using it.  It is expensive, but worth every penny, especially since I don't know of anything else like it.
Lastly is a little summer water aka Rose!  I don't know what it is, but this summer has been all about the rose for me!  It's so light and refreshing.  Plus it's pink so it's just pretty to look at.   I am by no means a wine expert so I honestly just buy whatever is already chilled and has pretty packaging :) 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Veggie Bites - Green Smoothie & Orzo Salad

SO - I get asked a lot of questions about what I eat since I don't eat chickens, pigs, cows, etc.  I do eat dairy, eggs and fish, so I think the technical term might be "Pescatarian" however I do not label myself that at all...I'm just me with my own thoughts, choices, etc.! 
THEREFORE I think here and there I'll share some of the DELISH things I chow down on.
For dinner last night I had some grilled asparagus and some orzo salad!
 For the asparagus all I did was grill on medium-high heat with PAM, Sea Salt and Garlic Powder.  Doesn't get much easier that that :)
For the Orzo Salad, I just did Orzo, Cherry Tomatoes, Parsley, Red Onion, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Sea Salt and Pepper - all to taste.  I didn't follow a recipe at all, I just added a little more ingredients here and there as I went.  I used way more Balsamic than I thought I would (probably a full cup?).  Once everything was completely chilled in the fridge I added some Feta!  This made a HUGE bowl of this salad and Nils and I have been kind of just picking at it all week which has actually been really convenient if you are in a rush or don't feel like cooking.  I need to make more stuff like this!
For breakfast this AM I had a Morning Star Maple Sausage Patty (not shown, ate when I was blending!).  A few weeks ago I bad some bananas and peaches that were about to go bad.  SO instead of getting them brown completely I peeled/cut them and threw them in the freezer.  I added to my Ninja bullet this AM and added some fresh Kale and Coconut milk for a delish on the go smoothie :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Champagne Pop! Jaclyn Hill Becca Highlighter

Guess what came in th email last week....!?!
THE Becca / Jaclyn Hill Highlight in Champagne Pop!
AHH I am just too excited.  Jaclyn Hill is THE QUEEN of the makeup game!  When I saw this I had to get it.  Like, it wasn't even a question.
I have EXTREMELY dry/sorta dull skin.  I love anything that gives me a little glow!  This is so pretty and natural and totally helps me embrace by inner JLo.  Yayyyyyyy! ONLY comment is I really need to use a setting spray with all this powder on my face.  Being so dry I def needed a little SPRITZ to take away the powdery finish.  But once I did that I was totes good to go :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Red Lips & Moscow Mules

Friday after work I met up with some work friends. When I came home I was super tired, but then I saw the BEST thing ever on my door stop, a NEW box of fun stuff to try :) I've heard awesome thinks about this Skindinavia Setting Spray so I'm super excited to try it out!
Saturday AM Nils and I did some errands/grocery shopping.  He stopped at a cute farm stand place I didn't even know existed which is always exciting.
So cute, right?!
Later we walked around a state park nearby, which I ALSO didn't even know existed.  It was sooo pretty! I loved it.
 And this is why I just bought some new "outdoor shoes" - those tree roots are no joke!
SUNDAY my partner in crime and I met up for some Moscow Mules in the city! 
I was feeling adventorous so I decided to do something I NEVER do and that is wear bright red lipstick.  This was def out of my comfort zone, but I actually loved it.  It's fun to try something different :)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Review: Soleil Tan de Chanel!

A few weeks back, I totally splurged and bought my FIRST ever true "LUXURY" makeup item...and it was the Soleil Tan de Chanel! 
I have been eyeing this item for months now.  I've seen it all over YouTube and it has the best reviews.  However! At the $50 price tag I was a little hesitant, because, was it worth it?!  But a few weeks ago I decided to just go for it, and I'm sooo happy I did!
HERE is what it what it looks like:
This is a cream bronzer (the first cream bronzer I've tried in fact).  It's kind of a moose?  But it almost dries to a's not cakey at all, and I think the color is perfect for almost anyone.  It can be easily built up, and you don't need much at all to get a great look.  I've find that the best brush to use is a flat angled kabuki, but I've seen some people use a stippling brush too (I tried, it was ok, the the flat angled kabuki was way better in my opinion).
And GUYS.  I have to say, I AM TOTALLY OBSESSED WITH THIS STUFF.  It looks SOOO natural.  I feel like it's perfect for summer, because it's not cakey or powdery at ALL.  I have tried sooo many products, and I can honestly say I have never tried anything else like this.  I LITERALLY can't stop using it.
So the verdict IS: this is 100% worth the splurge!!!
Clearly - I am feeling it.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Collective Makeup Haul

SO! Wet n Wild is on sale at Rite Aid last week for 40% off!  I went in to get a card for a bridal shower, and when I saw that little deal I just couldn't pass it up.  I LOVE getting crazy colors of lipstick and eyeshadow in more affordable brands, because if it looks awful, who cares I only spent a dollar!  ALSO - Their megalast nail polish is really awesome!  They have so many cute colors, they last a long time AND they are only like $1.99? I also got a tinted Burts Bees chapstick at the checkout because my lips were chapped anddddddd its my favorite :)

NEXT I found some good stuff on one my fave websites to score some deals, All Cosmetics Wholesale! They were doing a 40% flash sale, so I scooped up some Cover FX powder, Benefit Cream Shadow, Victoria Secret Blush and a Mac Lipstick!  I got these 3 things for like $20 - a fraction of what I would have spent regularly priced!

Lastly! I picked up some treats for my friends birthday at Ulta  I got her a cute little Too Faced Starter Kit and a Melted Liquid Lipstick.  I love giving little kits like that as gifts, because I figure someone can try a few little things to see if they like them :)

AND YOU KNOW I couldn't leave Ulta without something for myself! I was almost out of my
Rosewater spray so I grabbed some more.  I LOVE this stuff.  It smells sooo good, and it's so smoothing and hydrating.  I use it before makeup to wake up my face, after makeup to set, before bed to hydrate.  I can't get enough, it seriously makes my face feel sooo good.  And THEN I have been eying this Bare Minerals Lipstick Set for a few months now, so I grabbed this too.  It was only $15 and you get 3 really pretty nude lipsticks, that I think would look good on anyone.  They are smaller than a normal lipstick, but also not too mini! So perfect for your purse etc.