Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What I Eat in a Day!

Here is a typical rundown of what I eat in a work day! 
If I'm being honest here, I spend nearly all of my time before work perfecting my winged liner.  SO - that doesn't leave me a whole lot of time to grab breakfast/lunch/snacks.  I also tend to work long hours, and usually have stuff to do after work (aka watch Jaclyn Hill's latest toturial on YouTube) so the work days are all about grab and go for me.
LASTLY - I am sorta still attempting that 21 day fix my friend Nicole has me on (OMG GIRL - that DVD is HARD!).   I didn't do it over the weekend because lets be real, I had too much fun going on to follow any rules.  BUT regardless, this is all stuff I like, and would probably have anyways.
2 hardboiled eggs and some strawberries.  Sometimes eggs freak me out a little, but these are fresh off the farm which made me feel ok about them.

Some greek yogurt and about half of this banana.  I know I know, I'm supposed to get plain because these kind have too much sugar.  But this was all I had.  I mixed in some banana.  And it was delish :)  
Just a plain ole salad with tuna.  There is lettuce, cabbage, red onion, carrots and some cherry tomatoes on this.  Oh and tuna of course.
And I also had some plain whole grain pita chips.  Honestly these are kind of meh.  BUT to spice it up I added some onion powder to the bag and shook it around.  It sorta tasted like Fungions after - def an improvement!

Later in the afternoon a had a snack of some veggies and plain hummus!

And finally for dinner!  I had some brussel sprouts (one of my faves!) a small sweet potato I cut up like fries and cooked in a frying pan with soem Pam and garlic powder, AND a bean veggie burger. 

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