Monday, May 25, 2015

Friday Night Date Night

Friday after work my boyfriend (Nils) and I decided to meet at Not Your Average Joes for a quick bite and then go to the movies!
I got there before him and decided to find some seats at the bar.  It was Friday, and 5:30pm.  SO, naturally the first thing on MY mind was...
A nice chilled glass of pinot ;)
He came shortly after.  They gave us some bread and some yummy evoo.  I ordered a Roasted Tomato Flatbread pizza - it was really good and a perfect little Friday treat.

Soon enough it was time for the movie, so we scooted on over to the theatre.  Inside the theatre was a little bar - which I could not pass up!  I got another pinot and I couldn't of been happier.  We saw Mad Max in 3D.  Normally these types of movies aren't my fave, BUT I actually did like it! 

Great little kick off to the weekend :)

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