Tuesday, May 19, 2015

21 Day Fix?!

OK Friends!
Yesterday I started - the 21 Day Fix (sorta - I modified a bit).
What is the 21 Day Fix (aka 21DF) might you ask?
It's basically a diet plan where you portion out your servings.  Depending on your age, weight, etc depends on how many servings you get a day. 
Here is a quick and dirty cheat sheet of what I am doing:
You can purchase containers in these sizes, but I didn't do that, since I have plenty of perfectly good tupperware sitting in my kitchen cabinet. 
So instead!  All I did was take a measuring cup, and full with water to the specific amounts.  I then added the water to my tupperware, and marked with a sharper to where it filled.
And voila! My own homemade preportioned containers.
So - how did day 1 go?!
Honestly...it was pretty easy!  I did feel hungry from time to time, but not too bad and usually around meal times so it was time to eat anyways (good thing because no one wants to see #hangry Ash).
HERE was my meal plan!
Breakfast - 1 egg, 4 egg whites with hot sauce, orange
Snack - Greek yogurt, 1/2 banana, granola
Lunch - Salad with Tuna and light dressing
Snack - Hummus and veggies
Dinner - Veggie burger, grilled mixed veggies, sweet potato
Dessert - Spoonful of P2B
So it's actually a good amount of food!  Let's see how Day 2 goes....
IF it goes well, I MAY even post a before and after pic....eeek!
PS -  I heard about this plan from my fabulous friend Nicole! You can check her out here!


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